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Post Baccalaureate Program and BMA 50th Anniversary


We are proud to announce the upcoming joint celebration of the 50th anniversary of both the Wayne State University School of Medicine (WSUSOM) Post Baccalaureate Program and the Black Medical Association (BMA). This celebration is being presented by the WSUSOM Post Baccalaureate/BMA Alumni Steering Committee in conjunction with the WSUSOM Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), the Office of Alumni Affairs, the Detroit Medical Society and Keep it Real Ministry.

The Post Baccalaureate Program and the BMA have benefitted the medical community and the community at large within Michigan and throughout the United States. The pre-matriculation program targets first-generation students from educational and financial disadvantage backgrounds who were denied regular admission to medical schools and provides them an opportunity to matriculate through a one-year premedical school experience. Students who were successful in the program earned admission to WSUSOM. Through this program, WSUSOM has admitted and graduated more than 500 physicians from disadvantage backgrounds. These graduates are highly valued wherever they practice and represent WSUSOM.

The Black Medical Association was founded by a handful of African-American students who were matriculating through WSUSOM. The program provided academic support, mentorship and a means to maintain a positive community connection during the medical school experience. Today, 150 years after its founding, WSUSOM has graduated more than 1,000 African-American physicians. The two programs earned WSUSOM a national reputation for matriculating and graduating more African-American physicians and students from disadvantage background than any other medical school (with the exception of Howard and Meharry) for many years. This year marks the 50th anniversary of both programs.

Our celebration of the programs will take place Sunday, May 19 at the historic Detroit Yacht Club on beautiful Belle Isle in Detroit. The program will take place from 8 a.m. until noon, and will be followed by a fun and relaxing cookout. We will celebrate the many individuals who have helped make the programs successful, including Charles Vincent, M.D., Marjorie Edwards, and Charles Whitten, M.D. We invite you and your organization to join in the celebration and help advance the future of these important programs by becoming a sponsor, placing an advertisement in the souvenir book and/or purchasing a ticket.

$100    Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration per person     
$ 50     Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration to sponsor a student 
$ 50     Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration for WSUSOM staff or administrators
$130    Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration and Cookout per person
$ 80     Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration and Cookout to sponsor a student
$ 80     Prayer Breakfast and 50th Anniversary Post Bac Celebration and Cookout for WSUSOM staff or administrators

Click here to register on-line
Download registration form

50th Anniversary Celebration Souvenir Book:
Consider placing an ad celebrating an individual, class, business, etc. Remember the ads in our BMASF Souvenir Book? Do it again for the 50th anniversary, or place a business ad so that everyone knows what you are doing. The deadline for ads is May 9.

$1,500   Back outside cover; Full Page (4.75" w X 8" h)
$1,000   Back inside cover; Full Page (4.75" w X 8" h)
$500      Full page (4.75" w X 8" h)
$275      Half page (4.75" w X 3.75" h)
$150     Quarter page (2.25" w X 3.75" h)
$50        Patron

Click here to place ad
Download advertisement form

50th Anniversary Sponsorship Opportunities:
Platinum Sponsor:    $ 2,500
Benefits include: 10 tickets to the breakfast, program and cookout
Full-page color advertisement in the Souvenir Book
Table and banner at the breakfast and cookout to promote your organization

Gold Sponsor:            $ 2,000
Benefits include: Five tickets to the breakfast, program and cookout
 ½ -page color advertisement in the Souvenir Book
 Table and banner at the breakfast and cookout to promote your organization

Silver Sponsor:          $ 1,000
Benefits include: two tickets to the breakfast, program and cookout
1/4-page color advertisement in the Souvenir Book
Table and banner at the breakfast and cookout to promote your organization

Click here to sponsor
Download sponsorship form

All funds raised over the cost of the 50th Anniversary Celebration on May 19 will be donated to the Dr. Charles Whitten Post Baccalaureate Endowment Fund or the Black Medical Association Endowment Fund unless otherwise direct by you at the time you register.

We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Wayne State University School of Medicine Post Baccalaureate and Black Medical Association programs in conjunction with the WSU Medical Alumni Reunion Weekend (May 17-19). This year's reunion celebrates graduating classes ending in 4 and 9, however, all alumni, regardless of graduation year, are welcome and encouraged to attend. For those who wish to participate in the Medical School Alumni Reunion Weekend activities, please register at If you are attending the School of Medicine Reunion Dinner and Award Ceremony on May 18, a special Post Bac and BMA 50th Anniversary Celebration reception will be held before the dinner.

Additionally, the Wayne State University School of Medicine's Office of Diversity and Inclusion is sponsoring a 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala for the Post Baccalaureate Program and the Black Medical Association Alumni on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019. Details will be forthcoming, but be sure to mark the date on your calendar!

We look forward to seeing you, your family and friends May 19 and again in September. If you need additional information, please contact me at 248-552-8825.


Anita Moncrease, M.D., M.P.H.
Chair, Post Baccalaureate Program and the Black Medical Associations Alumni Steering Committee
WSUSOM Class of 1984
WSUSOM Post Baccalaureate Program Class of 1979