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Reunions & Dinner

While all alumni are invited back for the reunion, the classes of 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013 will celebrate a special class reunion reception before the dinner and will be seated together during dinner. This provides an opportunity to catch up with former classmates. Special reunion classes have the opportunity to make a collective class gift to the School of Medicine in honor of their class years.

The alumni dinner tradition began in 1971 with approximately 100 alumni in attendance. Last year, more than 300 alumni attended.

Class of 1943  75th Reunion                                        
Class of 1948  70th Reunion
Class of 1593  65th Reunion
Class of 1958  60th Reunion
Class of 1963  55th Reunion
Class of 1968  50th Reunion
Class of 1973  45th Reunion
Class of 1978  40th Reunion

Class of 1983  35th Reunion
Class of 1988  30th Reunion
Class of 1993  25th Reunion
Class of 1998  20th Reunion
Class of 2003  15th Reunion
Class of 2008  10th Reunion
Class of 2013  5th Reunion