Notable Alums

Specialty: Critical Care,Pulmonary Diseases
Graduation Year: 1987
Kevin Chan
Kevin M. Chan, M.D., Class of 1987, is vice chair of Clinical Experience and Quality for the Department of Medicine at Michigan Medicine (University of Michigan). Before assuming his current leadership position, he was the medical director of Lung Transplantation and the Fellowship Training Program director for the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.
Originally from Marshall, Mich., he received his bachelor's degree from Albion College and his medical degree from Wayne State University. Following residency training in Internal Medicine at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's in Chicago, Dr. Chan completed fellowship training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of California - Los Angeles Center for Health Sciences. Stops at the University of Southern California and the Henry Ford Health System followed before he joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in 2005.
His academic career has centered on lung transplantation, prognostication and management of end-stage lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, organ allocation policy and medical education.
Dr. Chan is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. He previously served on the American Board of Internal Medicine's Pulmonary Disease Board and is past-chair of the Thoracic Committee for the United Network for Organ Sharing/Organ Procurement and Transplant Network. He was scientific program chair for the American College of Chest Physicians in 2011 and was chair of the National Lung Review Board and Region 10 representative for UNOS. Named a Best Doctor in America since 2007, he is a member of the University of Michigan Department of Medicine Academaiae Laureati Medici (Clinical Excellence Society), was recognized with an Outstanding Clinician Award by the University of Michigan Medical School in 2015 and has received the distinction of Distinguished Chest Educator by the American College of Chest Physicians annually since 2016.
Dr. Chan and his wife Roxane Chan, BSN, R.N., Ph.D., are committed to increasing the number of health care providers from underrepresented groups and/or disadvantaged backgrounds through the establishment of an endowed fund in support of the Post-Baccalaureate Program, as well contributions to the Charles Whitten, M.D. Post Baccalaureate Endowed Fund.
Originally from Marshall, Mich., he received his bachelor's degree from Albion College and his medical degree from Wayne State University. Following residency training in Internal Medicine at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's in Chicago, Dr. Chan completed fellowship training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of California - Los Angeles Center for Health Sciences. Stops at the University of Southern California and the Henry Ford Health System followed before he joined the faculty at the University of Michigan in 2005.
His academic career has centered on lung transplantation, prognostication and management of end-stage lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, organ allocation policy and medical education.
Dr. Chan is board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. He previously served on the American Board of Internal Medicine's Pulmonary Disease Board and is past-chair of the Thoracic Committee for the United Network for Organ Sharing/Organ Procurement and Transplant Network. He was scientific program chair for the American College of Chest Physicians in 2011 and was chair of the National Lung Review Board and Region 10 representative for UNOS. Named a Best Doctor in America since 2007, he is a member of the University of Michigan Department of Medicine Academaiae Laureati Medici (Clinical Excellence Society), was recognized with an Outstanding Clinician Award by the University of Michigan Medical School in 2015 and has received the distinction of Distinguished Chest Educator by the American College of Chest Physicians annually since 2016.
Dr. Chan and his wife Roxane Chan, BSN, R.N., Ph.D., are committed to increasing the number of health care providers from underrepresented groups and/or disadvantaged backgrounds through the establishment of an endowed fund in support of the Post-Baccalaureate Program, as well contributions to the Charles Whitten, M.D. Post Baccalaureate Endowed Fund.