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White Coat Sponsorship

Support a time-honored tradition by sponsoring a white coat for an incoming member of the Wayne State University School of Medicine's Class of 2029

Help celebrate this remarkable occasion at the start of a student's journey into medicine. Acceptance of a white coat represents the commitment that each physician-in-training makes to practice compassionate, patient-centric medical care. It also serves as a reminder of the ideals that set all Warrior M.D.s apart: that the privilege of medical education comes with the responsibility of service to the community.

We invite you to welcome the next generation of Wayne State-trained physicians by sponsoring an incoming student's first white coat. All sponsors are encouraged to include a note of welcome, and student recipients may even reach out to connect with their benefactor after the ceremony has concluded. With your support, we can ensure that each member of the Class of 2029 has a sponsored white coat.

The sponsorship deadline is July 1. Please note that sponsorships will be assigned at random, and any gifts received after July 1 will be allocated to support white coats for the Class of 2030.

Sponsor a White Coat

Learn more about the history of the White Coat Ceremony and learn more about the Gold Humanism Honor Society chapter at WSU.