Medical Alumni Annual Fund
Medical Alumni Annual Fund
Alumni annual giving is the cornerstone of all giving at the WSU School of Medicine. The Medical Alumni Annual Fund provides the fiscal flexibility the school needs to seize opportunities and respond to the demands of equipping the next generation of doctors and scientists with the best education and training possible.
The Medical Alumni Annual Fund supports an ambitious array of programs and resources designed to enrich and expand unique learning experiences for students. Your gifts provide funding that is critical for advancing the SOM's core mission and priorities and ensuring its continued academic and clinical excellence.
Your investment in the Medical Alumni Annual Fund is a demonstration of your commitment and belief in the future of the WSU School of Medicine and a testimonial to the impact it had on your professional life.
Make a gift online or print this form and mail it in with your donation to:
Wayne State University Gift Processing
PO Box 441970
Detroit, MI 48244-1970